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Welcome to my blog ♥
If you hate me or this blog for some reasons,
please kindly do me a favor and press
Alt + F4.

The one and only special girl ♥

or better known as Hui Xin or ♥Kamate♥
to most people~~~
although she is nothing near legendary...
An insane chocoholic famous for her clumsiness,
always falling down and getting injured...
As a chocoholic, her favorite type of chocolate is....
Her birthday is on the 22nd October 1997,
So please remember to buy her presents~~
Now seriously infected with the KPOP virus,
she hopes to recover soon....
A passionate Crescentian that is part
of the Crescent Netball family....

The most important things in her life ♥

No particular order~~~
My Family ♥
Ostaf Detinu ♥
-Nicole Umma ♥
-Zhi Rui ♥
-Jastina ♥
-Katharine ♥

My Dears ♥
-Wei Ling ♥
-Rong Ying ♥
-Siok Hiang ♥

SHINee ♥
Dong Bang Shin Ki ♥
So Nyuh Shi Dae ♥
Dae Guk Nam Ah ♥
S.H.E ♥

Her wishes ♥

-SHINee & JYJ album ♥
-Their autograph ♥
-New headphone ♥
-Grow Taller ♥
-Get into the school team ♥
-More chocolates to eat ♥

Music ♥

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

Her past ♥

March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
September 2010
October 2010


Sze Fann
Oastaf Detinu
6F 09
Crescentians ♥
Rong Ying
Wei Ling
Wei Ling (Music Blog)
Wei Ling (KPOP Blog)
Li Enn

Leave your footsteps here ♥


Please do not rip the credits =)
Designer- X Pictures- X
Brushes- XXX
Hosts- XX
Fonts- X

Wednesday, September 29, 2010 ♥

Yo people!!!! Kekekekekeke... Sorry for not updating the blog recently..... I am too busy with Pokemon and yes, you got it.... CHOCOLATES!!!!! So ya, very obsessed with pokemon.... Don't know why though.... Hasn't been kpopping these days.... BUT I FINALLY MANAGED TO FINISH SEASON ONE OF POKEMON!!! Isn't that like seriously great??? I decided to take a break.... Exams coming, should not be watching all day long.....BY THE WAY, do you guys know about SHINee's repackaged album??? Hmmm.... It's called Hello *I think*.... Good song for mobile ringtones...... LOL!!!! Oh great, today had home econs.... TWL AND MY LAKSA GRAVY WAS A BIG SUCCESS!!! Although I haven't tasted it, but it seriously smells DAMN nice..... Good hor?? HAHAHAHAHA!!! Hmmm.... I bought chocolates to school today..... I ate quite a lot..... TWL ate only one pathetic piece.... TRY also..... Yap Jin Qi ate A LOT!!!! LALALALA~~~~~ Hebe's new song is freaking nice~~~~ Her voice is FANTASTICAL MAN!!!! Okay, I am quite good at changing subjects... Aren't I??? Anyway, this is the end.... Cuz I have absolutely NOTHING else to say...... So that's it for this post.... BUAH BYES!!!! SEE YA!!!!

You are the only reason for my precious smile ♥

Friday, September 3, 2010 ♥

An Nyoung people~~~ LOL!!!! As the title suggest, something disastrous happened yesterday during Netball training..... LALALA~~~ Yesterday's training is cancelled and replaced by some Team-Bonding session with our seniors.... Actually it was suppose to be fun...... Cause the Seniors suddenly become very nice and talk to me..... Except for some shy ones...... But some SARCASTIC people have to ruin it...... LOL!!!! Okay, so we played twin towers first...... I ran for a long time.... And Jin Qi ran many times.... No difference?? Nahh, got la.... Jin Qi ran for 8 times but I ran for 3 times.... But the total time I took is longer than hers.... Understand?? Good.... Okay, during that game, Denise fell.... She scraped her knee...... It is bleeding like mad.... But she is still playing with us.... LOL!!!! Den we had..... What did we had? Oh.... I remembered.... It is some 'Pull the pants down game'.... Dun worry.... Its not literally........ We just have to pull the sashes out of the opponent team's pants.... No fun...... I don't dare to get from the seniors..... Okay, so after the game.... We went to the Netball court and start playing a wet game.... We have to turn in circles for 20 times in total.... And after the 20th turn.... I died..... Damn dizzy..... The whole world is like spinning..... Den obviously, I fell..... LOL!!!! Den seniors and my teammates rush next to me.... Wee Teng brought me to the Red Cross members.... They help me dress my wound..... Den went up to Faraday room with Yi Gin, Li Enn and Jin Qi.... Heard from Li Enn after I fell, SOMEBODY make some unnecessary stupid ignorant sarcastic comments.... Appreciate her effort to make me feel bad.... But sorry, it didn't work on me.... I dun feel bad about falling at all, because it is not my fault that i fall..... As if I wanna fall.... At least I am not like you... SO cliquey and sarcastic....... LOL!!! And I realise Jastina is very good at being sarcastic.... We made a deal that she is gonna teach me how to be sarcastic..... Good man.... LALALA~~~

You are the only reason for my precious smile ♥