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Welcome to my blog ♥
If you hate me or this blog for some reasons,
please kindly do me a favor and press
Alt + F4.

The one and only special girl ♥

or better known as Hui Xin or ♥Kamate♥
to most people~~~
although she is nothing near legendary...
An insane chocoholic famous for her clumsiness,
always falling down and getting injured...
As a chocoholic, her favorite type of chocolate is....
Her birthday is on the 22nd October 1997,
So please remember to buy her presents~~
Now seriously infected with the KPOP virus,
she hopes to recover soon....
A passionate Crescentian that is part
of the Crescent Netball family....

The most important things in her life ♥

No particular order~~~
My Family ♥
Ostaf Detinu ♥
-Nicole Umma ♥
-Zhi Rui ♥
-Jastina ♥
-Katharine ♥

My Dears ♥
-Wei Ling ♥
-Rong Ying ♥
-Siok Hiang ♥

SHINee ♥
Dong Bang Shin Ki ♥
So Nyuh Shi Dae ♥
Dae Guk Nam Ah ♥
S.H.E ♥

Her wishes ♥

-SHINee & JYJ album ♥
-Their autograph ♥
-New headphone ♥
-Grow Taller ♥
-Get into the school team ♥
-More chocolates to eat ♥

Music ♥

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

Her past ♥

March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
September 2010
October 2010


Sze Fann
Oastaf Detinu
6F 09
Crescentians ♥
Rong Ying
Wei Ling
Wei Ling (Music Blog)
Wei Ling (KPOP Blog)
Li Enn

Leave your footsteps here ♥


Please do not rip the credits =)
Designer- X Pictures- X
Brushes- XXX
Hosts- XX
Fonts- X

Saturday, August 28, 2010 ♥

Hello Everybody~~~ KEKEKE!!! Post twice today..... LALALA~~~ Okay la, I shall go straight to the point~~~ KEKE!!! I shall post a video on Taeminnie singing~~~ He sound very nice eh~~ *wriggles eyebrow*
LALALA~~~ Like his singing~~~ He is like Key now, can sing, dance, act cute and etc. LALALA~~~

My cute Taemin singing~~~

LALALA~~~ MY TAEMINNIE SOUNDS SO NICE~~~~~ And his cute mistake before he sing.... Hehehehehe....

You are the only reason for my precious smile ♥

An Nyoung people~~~ LALALA~~~ The last group that is attending the Korean Pop Night Concert in Singapore is.......*drum rolls*D-NA!!!!!! Or The Boss as you guys prefer..... YAY!!!!!! OMG OMG!!!! SHINee + D-NA = DAEBAKK~~~ KEKEKEKE!!!! OMG OMG OMG!!! I can see Karam and Taeminnie~~~ OMG!!!! 2010 IS SUCH A FANTASTIC YEAR!!!! But I scared we cannot get the tickets....
I think can la..... If we buy early enough......... OMG!!!!!! I AM HIGH-ING LIKE HELL WHEN LING TOLD ME THAT THE LAST GROUP IS D-NA!!!!!!!! I CANNOT BELIEVE IT EH!!!!! BOTH D-NA AND SHINee IS MY FAVOURITE BOY BAND!!!!! Well, except for DBSK~~~ Because no one can replace them~~~ WELL, BACK TO THE TOPIC~~~ OMG!!!!! D-NA EH!!!! LALALA~~~~ This gives me another reason to buy the front seats ticket, BECAUSE SHINee AND D-NA IS PERFORMING!!!! That means I can see them very clearly~~~ Like seriously~~~ KEKEKEKE!!! So happy~~~ LALALA~~~ I am in a very good mood now~~~ KEKEKEKEKE!!!! I suddenly wanna go NTU and study with Nicole Umma and Zhi Rui.... But none of them are online........ WHICH IS PATHETIC!!!! So how ah?? Guess have to study on my own.... LOL, today didn't go for Netball training...... Shoulder pain + Muscle ache = Pathetic..... Sad, wanted to share with Yi Gin this great news........ BUT I CANNOT GO!!!!!!!! Stupid la......... Ling also not online.... Because she need to go somewhere for her food trail....... Actually wanted to go with them and be extraaaaa~~~ But now, cause leg damn pain.......... I cannot go.......... EEYER!!!!!!! NOT GOOD ONE!!!!!!! Very unhappy now.... Should I create a tumblr??? Nahh, heard from TRY that its not fun........ By the way, I am not so free to update both blogs..... KEKEKEKE!!!

You are the only reason for my precious smile ♥

Thursday, August 26, 2010 ♥

An Nyoung people!!!! OMG!!!! Tan Wei Ling just told me a very GOOD news!!!!! SHINee, SNSD, FT Island, Infinite, Big Bang and one last anonymous group..... As in the last group hasn't been revealed yet.... BUT IT IS CONFIRMED THAT THE ABOVE GROUPS ARE COMING FOR THE KOREAN POP NIGHT CONCERT IN SINGAPORE!!!!!! OMG!!!!!!!!! First time ever that SNSD is coming to Singapore.... AND SHINee IS COMING TOO!!!!!!!! WOOHOO~~~~ I CAN SEE TAEMINNIE WITH HIS NEW HAIRSTYLE!!!!!!! YAY!!!!! And guess what, the day the concert is held is....... THE DAY AFTER MY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!! SUCH A HAPPY YEAR!!!!!!!!! And I hope the last group is Super Junior, cuz I am kinda obsessed with Ryeowook recently.... LALALA~~~ OMG!!!!!! I really want to go to the concert!!!! I think I should pull Nicole Umma along.... Should I? Because if I do, I am afraid that Nicole Umma will faint because of THE ALMIGHTY KEY~~~ Or she will scream untill my eardrums burst..... KEKEKEKEKE!!!! Nahh, I think I will burst her eardrums before she even burst mine..... I AM EVIL!!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!!! Make way for the legendary THX's awesome scream~~~ LALALA~~~ Maybe should ask other Ostafs along...... Like Jas, WHO IS A BIG FAN OF BIG BANG!!!! And dare to quarrel with me because of them.... TSK TSK TSK!!!! Should I ask Zhi Rui along?? I want to, but I scared she will scream out some weird stuff.... Like 'MARSHMELLOW CHICKEN IS DELICIOUS!!!!' And then if Onew heard chicken, he will be too excited.... And den hyper..... OMG!!! I dun dare to think about what will happen next...... Anyway, got to go....... Annyeong~~~

You are the only reason for my precious smile ♥

Monday, August 23, 2010 ♥

An Nyoung people~~~ Happy today cuz it is E-learning~~~ Stupid wireless.... Suddenly abandon me...... EVIL!!!! Well, let's not talk about unhappy things here.... Anyway, yesterday went for the food trail..... We ate some food..... Obviously..... And den together with Leona, Eunice and Jin Qi, we went to Comics Connections~~~ OMG!!!!!!!! KEKEKEKEKE!!!! I found a Jaejoongie pen!!!! OMG!!!!!! KEKEKEKEEKE!!!!! And den I also find the fire-cracker thingy of..... THE ALMIGHTY KEY!!!!!!! YAY!!!! Keke, Nicole Umma is gonna be so jealous~~~ LALALA~~~~ I AM A BAD GIRL~~~~ KEKEKE!!! Actually I wanted to buy both of them.... BUT HAIZZZZZZ..... I spent all my money on food....... SAD!!!!!! Haizzz..... OKIE DOKIE~~~ THATS ALL FOR TODAY~~~

You are the only reason for my precious smile ♥

Sunday, August 22, 2010 ♥

Hello everybody!!! Keke, I am here to post again~~~ Okay, so I dunno what else to crap about liao.... So I shall just go straight into the point....

First, SHINee.
OMG!!!!!! SHINee performed Lucifer on 20th August 2010~~~ And Taemin rebonded his hair again..... But obviously, he didn't wear his extensions..... OMG!!! He got his bouncy bouncy hairstyle back eh!! KYOPTA!!!!So when he dance during Lucifer, you can see his hair bouncing up and down.... SO CUTE RIGHT?! I shall post the link but not the video..... Because the video will be a bit out of shape........ Okie dokie??

SHINee Lucifer Live~~~

Second, BoA.
Okay, so recently I got really obsessed with BoA and Hurricane Venus.... OMG!!!! 3 MORE DAYS TO BoA's 10TH DEBUT ANNIVERSARY!!!! YAY!!!! Note: I am writing this on the 22nd of August.... So that means BoA's debut anniversary is on the 25th~~~ Okay, so I am the link of BoA's Hurricane Venus performance on the 21st August~~~ Very nice eh!!! KEKE, deadly obsess~~~

BoA Hurricane Venus Live~~~

Okay, that is all for today~~~ Hehe, Teachers' Day and Someone's B-day is coming.... Must go buy present liao....

You are the only reason for my precious smile ♥

Friday, August 20, 2010 ♥

An nyoung people..... Blogging in class now..... Wait, don't get me wrong.... It is recess now...... Don't feel like eating, so I stayed in class...... Aish, a lot of problems recently....... Projects, homework and friendship problems....

Everybody seem to be enjoying Secondary school a lot..... But I don't know why, I simply detest it..... Perhaps it is the fact that everything is very different.... Remember in primary school, people makes friends purely for the reason of accompany.... But now?? Results, family background and other stuffs are the things that people usually considered when making friends.... Everything revolves around advantages now........ I want to know, where did the innocence and purity that belongs to us go?? Why has everything become so complicated?? Is it really true that the older you become, the harder it is to not look at the advantages?? Haha.... Maybe some of you may say that you are not looking at the advantages when you make friends.... But by saying that, you are just deceiving yourself..... Are you sure that you are not friends with someone because they are clever or rich?? Are you sure you have never rejected someone just because she is ugly and poor??

Whatever it is, I don't care anymore...... I am tired to keep on trying to maintain our friendship.... If you don't even care, I find it meaningless to hang on....... If you really don't want to keep this friendship... Just open your mouth and tell me straight in the face..... I realise that I don't need friends at all...... I can just go back to how I am in primary school.... Isolating myself...... It doesn't cause any harm to me no matter in what way..... Don't assume that I cannot live without you.... Because I can...... If I can live for 6 years without friends, I don't see how hard it is to past 4 years.........

People always say "No pain, no gain"... I guess it is true..... Because I have learned that never trust anyone that you think will be loyal to you forever..... through a very painful lesson...... No one in the world can be trusted.....

You are the only reason for my precious smile ♥

Thursday, August 19, 2010 ♥

An nyoung~~~ Hehe, came to post again... Okay, so today had netball training, IT WAS DAEBAKK~~~ Maybe not so...... LOL!!!! We did warm-up in the parade square....... Did the high knee lift, sprint, butt kicks, grape vine, side steps, sprint, dodges and other stuffs.... SAD LA!!! Bernice didn't join us..... AND TAN WEI LING SAW ME TRAINING!! TSK TSK TSK!!! She is laughing like a maniac on the second floor while watching me train...... I bet she is gonna make fun of me tomorrow......... OH YA!!! Nearly forgot.... You know hor, I wore the netball shoes for netball training today.... The shoe is like gonna fly out like that......... So I tied  tighten it a lot..... Den did drills... And some other stuff....... Got pissed off with Yap Jin Qi, keep on calling me names.... No matter how many times I asked her to stop, she dun wan.... So finally I exploded and ignored her for the rest of the training..... Den when we about to end, Yi Gin suddenly cried.... She say she felt a sharp pain at somewhere near her ankle.... OMG!!! It is the first time I saw her crying... I am damn shocked.... Dunno what to do at all.... Just keep telling her not to cry.... Den Wee Teng and Joanne is like asking her why never tell them her leg hurts.... Den later blame Jin Qi for not noticing that..... Poor thing.......... Den they just ask Yi Gin to tell them if next time her leg hurts... Den Joanne suddenly tell me to tell them also..... I was shocked eh...... I thought they noticed liao....... Cuz at that time my ankle and toe is also hurting like hell..... Especially when I do the dodges....... Feel like dying....... But I dun wanna tell them..... I scared they think its becuz I wanna skip training den I say leg pain....... So I just endure it........ Den when the training end.... IT IS LIKE HURTING LIKE HELL!!! I even have difficulties walking..... But have to act normal la.... If not the others sure say one...... Den when I reach home...... I took off my socks....... Realise that my toe is bleeding......... IT IS BLEEDING!! OMG..... So ya, it hurts....... Den i look at my hand...... THE CUT IS ALSO BLEEDING..... Okay, you probably won't know about the cut......

It happens like this.... Ling and me is cooking for home econs.... Den I was supposed to cut the potato.... THAT STUPID POTATO LA!!!!! Too hard already, so when I cut the potato using the knife..... The knife kinda bounce off the potato and landed on my finger........ VEHH PAIN EH!!!!!!! Den Ling still so sarcastic.... LOL!!!

Seriously, Ling...... What is wrong with you?? Why you always look so sad and stress??? BE CHEERFUL!!!

You are the only reason for my precious smile ♥

Tuesday, August 17, 2010 ♥

An Nyoung people~~ HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Not funny, never mind... Its not suppose to be funny by the way... Anyway, you know hor, today we had LSCEP~~ WOOHOO~~~ Got to see Ms Xin Yi.... But she never talk to us during LSCEP lessons now.... Sad..... Must be because we sitted in the front.... So today we had our not-so-formal PBL website presentation... Our website last minute got a lot of problems.... BUT THANKS TO OUR PRO MISS TAN WEI LING, we fixed it...... And den we didn't get to present during the LSCEP lesson because got a lot of groups and besides, our group is not ready... So that means that we have to go after school..... Because of the presentation, the whole class is late for assembly.... I guess Miss Bri did explain to Ms Ong because she didn't give us class demerit *I think so...* So ya, after assembly, I saw Yi Gin and Li Enn.... Walk up with them to the class.... Actually got team lunch after school, so I asked they all to wait for me..... But den Nadia came up and told Shahida she need to go down for PBL, den I just remember.... So I chiong all the way down..... And found out that they haven't even finish the website.... -.- Make me run for nothing..... Den got LSCEP, obviously I am late for team lunch.... Instead, I missed the whole thing.... I can seriously imagine the questions that MY PRECIOUS *No sarcasm intended*teammates is gonna throw at me tomorrow.... Hope Yap Jin Qi explain for me.....  Cuz I told her to..... IF SHE NEVER, I AM SO GONNA KEEEEEL HER!!!! LOL!!! Omg..... I guess my ankle haven't recover fully yet, today start hurting again..... And den during Netball training yesterday, we did a lot of dodges.... And den I think I injured my toe.... It is swollen now.... Vehh pain..... LOL, STUPID SHOE!!

You are the only reason for my precious smile ♥

Monday, August 16, 2010 ♥

An Nyoung People~~~ HAHAHAHAHA!!! I damn active these few days right?? *wink wink* LOL!!! You noe hor, early in the morning, I reach my precious school.... Damn Samantha came and say got P.E later... DEN I WAS LIKE DAMN SHOCK EH!! Cuz I see the wrong timetable... Thought P.E is tomorrow.... Good news is that becuz today I got my beloved Netball training, so I wore my P.E attire..... Bad news is..... I NEVER WEAR P.E SHORTS!!!!!! I WORE FBT INSTEAD!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!!!! I WAS PANICKING THE WHOLE MORNING!!!!!! I SCARED LATER KANA DEMERIT BECUZ I NEVER WEAR!!! Cuz FBT is not allowed during P.E lessons.... Den I panic like siao.... Den our chairman, YAP JIN QI *clap clap* came into class..... I hurry rush to her and ask her she got wear P.E pants or not..... Den she also dun have... YAY!!!!! I AM NOT ALONE!!! LOL, I AM SO EVIL!!! LALALA~~~ DUN CARE~~~ So we decided to ask Ms Ong for permission..... Ling came in before Jin Qi, den she brought the DBSK BEST SELECTION 2010!!!! OMG!!!!!!!!!! I WAS LIKE HIGH-ING LIKE SIAO~~~ AND DEN JOONGIE LOOK DAMN HOT INSIDE!!! HE LOOKS THE MOST GLAM ONE!!!! Keke.... I am Joongie-obsessed.... Den as usual, my dear Ling took a LONG time to tie her precious hair.... And she have to rush down for choir.... I volunteered to help her take newspaper.... DAMN KIND RIGHT?! Den after 5 minutes, she ran back to class again... And I have that 'Why in the hell did you come back to class?' look on my face.... Den I ask her why she come back.... Den she say cuz downstairs nobody.... Den our random chairman did her daily routine again.... WHICH IS TO YELL AT US TO GET OUT OF THE CLASSROOM!!! Okay la, her voice gotten louder... At least now I can hear her..... So we got out and proceeded to the auditorium.... Den when we at the auditorium, Ling realise she got choir.... Den she juz hand me her newspaper and den chiong up stage...... Den I sat alone with the class.... Den after morning assembly got some presentations.... THE FIRST ONE IS BY MY SENIOR, ALYSSA!!!!!! WOOHOO~~~ *clap clap* Den the next one is by Ms Ang....... Den after that went down for P.E.... Played ball games.... FUN FUN FUN!!!!!!!! Sweat a lot...... Den went to the canteen with Ling and CSH to buy a bottle of drink before going up to class.... No choice, cannot eat... Have to chiong our PBL..... Den when we went back to our class or rather... run back to our class..... Den when we almost reach our class liao.... Ling screamed.... Her can of milo leaked... And den dripped onto her skirt and blouse.... Den we went to the bench and tried to wash it..... LOL!!! That is when I realise my bottle of apple juice also leaked...... den my blouse also got.... But I am much more luckier than Ling, I manage to wash the smell away.... So when I finish, only the smell of water is there..... But damn wet..... Cannot even wear.... Ling's blouse and skirt is totally pathetic..... She wash it with water and when she smell the thing again.....IT SMELLS EWWWW!!! LOL, that is the result of mixing milo and water......... The smell is damn disgusting........ Den got history and den comm arts.... Den HMTL...... Den FINISH!!! LOL!!! After HTML, we stayed back in class for a little while.... Cuz we wanna watch the DBSK CD Ling brought.... And we were like high-ing... JOONGIE LOOKS DAMN HAWT!!!!! And as usual, their live singing is damn good.... THE LEGEND OF ASIA!!!! No wonder they are called Dong Bang Shin Ki.... CUZ THEY ARE TRULY THE RISING GODS OF THE EAST!!!! But one bad thing is they cut short the performance..... But good thing is they got close up.... And because Joongie is singing most of the time... He got quite a lot of close ups... HAHAHAHA!!!! Den Ling is asking why all in Japan one..... Me too.... And I finally manage to figure it out during training..... It is because DBSK's Korean management is SM right?? Den they are still having the lawsuit when the Best Selection is released.... So obviously SM wouldn't release any album on DBSK right?? So that means the Best Selection is released by their Japan management, Avex, which is JYJ's current management agency.... So it makes sense that it is all in Japanese right?? See, clever~~~

Den for today's netball training, quite tiring...... BUT I LOVE IT!!! It is like all the physical training become damn fun eh...... Me and Jin Qi pair up for most of the drills.... Because our height is the closest.... Den after that, I paired up with Li Enn for the last part...... quite fun.... Den after training.... I was supposed to go home with Jin Qi.... But Yi Gin say she wanna go Cheers.... And I damn hungry at that time..... So just go with her lor... But Jin Qi dun wan.... So she left with Keerthana....... Den me and Yi Gin were like crapping about Fahrenheit esp Aaron on our way to Cheers..... Den bought somethings to eat...... Den went home.......

So this is the end of the story......
CRAPPY RIGHT?! OH YA!!!! Nearly forgotten..... I GETTING MY NETBALL SHOES THIS THURSDAY EH!!!!!!! WOOHOO~~~ FINALLY!!!!!!!! Damn happy.......

You are the only reason for my precious smile ♥

An Nyoung guys..... Can you believe it?? It is officially 12.19 am now.... AND I AM STILL POSTING!!!!!! Guess why am I still awake?? Cuz I stayed up to chiong my precious PBL website that drove me, Wei Ling and Rong Ying crazy...... I finally completed my part.... Actually not really.... I didn't design....... Well, gonna do it at school tomorrow.... Since I always reach school damn early..... Aish.... I HATE MY LIFE!!!!!! A life that is always surrounded by homework, school, assessment books and projects.... Since I hate it, why am I still keeping it?? I have been thinking about this question ever since I started my secondary school life.... And I finally figured it out..... It is because of the constant encouragements my friends, seniors, teachers and family gave me that allow me to hang on untill now..... But am I still be able to continue?? I dunno.... And I dun wish to noe.... Because I don't want to noe my fate so soon..... Life is a mystery itself..... You can never predict what is going to happen to you the next minute.... Therefore, if I knew about my future so fast... The meaning of my life is all gone.... So why am I typing this post?? I just want to tell those people that I care about something.....

Thanks guys. Although I might never had say it out, but I seriously appreciate the concern and encouragements from you all..... Let's hope that we will all strive hard together and become what we wanted to be.

Lastly, a message for my sec 4 seniors:

Good Luck Seniors!!! You guys are having your O-levels soon.... Must be studying very hard right?? Hope that you guys can score well and get into the Junior Colleges you want... But remember, after you all graduate... Must still come back and visit us if you are free okay?? If not I fly to your house and KONG your head!! KEKEKEKE, Joking Joking la.... I wouldn't dare... It is illegal.... I dun wanna go to jail.....

You are the only reason for my precious smile ♥

Thursday, August 12, 2010 ♥

An Nyoung people.... Quite a long time never update liao.... HOPE THAT YOU ALL ARE HAPPY THAT I POSTED!!!!!!!!! Cheer for me people!!!!!! Okay, so I am gonna have a lot of topics*Not really....* in this post... SO PEOPLE, ENJOY!!!!!!!!

Okay, first issue.... MY POOR BOY!!!!!!! Okay, this is a cut from Star King about Taeminnie... HAHAHAHA!!!! YES!!!!!!! TAEMINNIE!!!! Okay, so there are so big-size*No offence*guys/girls that is kinda like bullying Taemin.... At least to me.... THEY ARE DOUBLE TAEMIN'S SIZE EH!!!!!!! Omg.... Taemin is like.... so weak in front of them.... Should I post the video for you guys?? Or should I not..... Nahh, being a kind person I am, I shall post it.... KIND RIGHT?!

Here is the video, enjoy~~~

Sad right?? Awww, my poor Taeminnie..... He got bullied..... SAD!!!! Pure Sadness.....
SAD!!!!!!!!! He fell... FELL!!!!!!

So that is the first news, now, is the second one.....

CONGRATZ TO MISS TAN WEI LING!!!! I think today is the happiest day of your life...... Cuz of... *wink wink* Hehe, you should know what I mean right....

Okay, thats really not a lot..... But well, WOOHOO~~~~ BLOG POST SUCCESS!!!!!!!!

You are the only reason for my precious smile ♥

Saturday, August 7, 2010 ♥

An Nyoung people!!!!!! Erm.... Posting right now..... CUZ I GOT SOME BEHHLY CUTE STUFF TO SHARE WITH YOU GUYS!!!!!!!!! Wanna know what is it?? Nahh, I am not telling you.... LALALA~~~ I shall not be so bad...... I shall post the video....... I so kind right???

I LURB IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!

Note: Sorry, I am mad....

Credits ♥

You are the only reason for my precious smile ♥

Thursday, August 5, 2010 ♥

An Nyoung People!!! So yesterday, I found a video on the UFO replies from Youngwoong Jaejoong of DBSK in the year 2008... The same year as their 4th album, Mirotic..... Okay, so its kinda epic...... I was looking through the replies from Joongie when I suddenly saw my dear, Wei Ling's name on it......... WEI LING EH!!!!!! Dammit, damn jealous...... Why couldn't it be Hui Xin?? It also sounds quite nice what.... TSK TSK TSK!!!!!! So ya, I kinda curious whether if its really her........ As for the result, I shall not tell you... *Mehrong* Cuz even me myself dunno......... Okay, so then right after that reply, got another one........... That fan requests Joongie to say I love you to her......... And Joongie did............... HE DID!!!!!!!! AHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! JEALOUS JEALOUS JEALOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!

I shall not show the video cause I dun wan it to ruin my good mood, which apparently it had already does...... Wanna see the video?? Go search yourself..........

You are the only reason for my precious smile ♥

Monday, August 2, 2010 ♥

AN NYOUNG!!!! Kekeke..... Okay, as the title suggested... THIS POST IS ABOUT MY PHOBIAS!!! *WOOHOO~~~ APPLAUSE!!!!* Okay, so the story begins like that.... Nicole Umma and me are discussing about our phobias..... SO WE DECIDED TO POST OUR PHOBIAS ON OUR SEPARATE BLOGS!!!! Okay, this is my list of phobias....

1)Phasmophobia (Fear of ghosts)
2)Entomophobia (Fear of insects)
3)Pedophobia (Fear of CHILDREN!!!!)
4)Athazagoraphobia (Fear of being ignored or forgotten)
5)Achluophobia (Fear of darkness)
6)Thanatophobia (Fear of death)
7)Allodoxaphobia (Fear of opinions)
8)Xenophobia *Sometimes* (Fear of strangers)
9)Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia (FEAR OF LONG WORDS!!! OMG!!!!)



You are the only reason for my precious smile ♥