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Welcome to my blog ♥
If you hate me or this blog for some reasons,
please kindly do me a favor and press
Alt + F4.

The one and only special girl ♥

or better known as Hui Xin or ♥Kamate♥
to most people~~~
although she is nothing near legendary...
An insane chocoholic famous for her clumsiness,
always falling down and getting injured...
As a chocoholic, her favorite type of chocolate is....
Her birthday is on the 22nd October 1997,
So please remember to buy her presents~~
Now seriously infected with the KPOP virus,
she hopes to recover soon....
A passionate Crescentian that is part
of the Crescent Netball family....

The most important things in her life ♥

No particular order~~~
My Family ♥
Ostaf Detinu ♥
-Nicole Umma ♥
-Zhi Rui ♥
-Jastina ♥
-Katharine ♥

My Dears ♥
-Wei Ling ♥
-Rong Ying ♥
-Siok Hiang ♥

SHINee ♥
Dong Bang Shin Ki ♥
So Nyuh Shi Dae ♥
Dae Guk Nam Ah ♥
S.H.E ♥

Her wishes ♥

-SHINee & JYJ album ♥
-Their autograph ♥
-New headphone ♥
-Grow Taller ♥
-Get into the school team ♥
-More chocolates to eat ♥

Music ♥

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

Her past ♥

March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
September 2010
October 2010


Sze Fann
Oastaf Detinu
6F 09
Crescentians ♥
Rong Ying
Wei Ling
Wei Ling (Music Blog)
Wei Ling (KPOP Blog)
Li Enn

Leave your footsteps here ♥


Please do not rip the credits =)
Designer- X Pictures- X
Brushes- XXX
Hosts- XX
Fonts- X

Sunday, May 30, 2010 ♥

Yo, everybody!!! GOOD NEWS FOR EVERYONE!!! I HAVE CHANGE MY BLOGSKIN!!! Cause some of my friends have been complaining that the navigations very troublesome, so I changed to one without navigations so that my friends wun be complaining all day long... Ya, as as you all can see, this blogskin is about TAEMIN~~~~ Ok sry... Not funny.... Actually, it wasn't meant to be funny... Ya, and becuz of this blogskin, I wasted 2 days of my life.... I started yesterday but becuz of my poor skills, I ended up messing up the codes, so redo today... AND I ALMOST WENT CRAZY WHEN EDITING THAT BLOGSKIN!!! But at last I suceeded... Yay!!! Gratz to me....  Anw, ya.... VIDEOS!!! This time is about... *DRUM ROLLS...*SHINee, cuz according to the chain.....




You are the only reason for my precious smile ♥

Friday, May 28, 2010 ♥

What are true friends?? True friends are the bunch of idiots that still stay with you no matter what happens. But do people treasure true friends like us??? We are always taken for granted, they always think that we will be with them no matter what happens. Are friendships really that vulnerable?? Is it true that friendships can never last long?? Is it true that true friends are hard to find?? Are those friends around you really true friends?? Does your comments hurt any of your true friends??

People, think about it today...

If not, you will soon lose all your 

true friends...

You are the only reason for my precious smile ♥

Monday, May 24, 2010 ♥

Okay, so today watched this film during Comm Arts..... I was like damn traumatized. I think I basically juz closed my eyes and sat there trembling.... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Ya, pinched rongying's hand while watching, but apparently she didn't felt it cuz she was too obsessed with the film.. Ya, haf to admit that its the first time seeing her so obsessed with sth except for SHINee... Haha.... OH YA!!!! Gt another video to share... Very cool... & guess hu is it bout??? Of course its................ *DRUM ROLLS...* JAEJOONG!!!! Okay, here is the vid....  Enjoy!!!!


You are the only reason for my precious smile ♥

Okay. I am gonna use Korean again... 안녕(An nyoung/Hello), 여러분(Yeoreobun/Everybody). Today had netball training, Laila, Wanying and senior*Sry, senior. I dunno ur name* came down to train us... Ya, did quite a lot of stuff today, tiring. Den at last, we did steps, mwahahahahaha..... Ya, okay... We did steps. AND I FELL!!! FELL!!! Ya, now muscle ache, damn serious siah, pain...... Tmr gt FITT run/workout.... How??? Oh ya!!! Found another weird video, its kind of gay.... But ONEW IS IN IT!!!! Hahahahahahaha!!!! 

P.S: It might be a little bit uncomfortable for some ppl, but juz bear with it... Sry!!!

You are the only reason for my precious smile ♥

Sunday, May 23, 2010 ♥

Okay, went to some of my ex-classmates blog... Quite emo, miss them a lot.... Even boys that I hated like hell... Actually, dunno why I hate them... Without them, 6F wouldn't be 6F rite?? Emotional breakdown, especially watching the lawsuit between DBSK and SM.... Ya, wanna cry.... Anyway, watching the last episode of Hello Baby again... Making me more emo, ya, key cried.... KEY CRIED!!! Nicole would be so heartbroken... Comparing 1G1 to 6F.... I realise I like 6F more.... Ya, maybe because I always ignored others, not others ignored me..... Actually times in primary school are fun, cuz I wun feel lonely..... But when I get into sec one, everything change.... I can feel the cruelty between humans... Muz be careful in everything we do or say.... It feels so tiring, to be 13.... I wish time could rewind... let me go back to 6F.... Just once is enough..... Although its good to be in a all girls school.... but I miss times in a mixed school.... Anw, maybe XXX is rite.... Sec skool is the time where you can feel cruelty and pain.... but also, frenz u made in sec skool are those you rmb forever... Ya, summary, I am being emo....

P.S: Sry for the emo post.... I am trying hard to get myself out of emo-ish, AHH!!! I KNOW!!! GO WATCH JJONG, CHANGMIN & JUNSU(DBSK)!!!

You are the only reason for my precious smile ♥

Saturday, May 22, 2010 ♥

Hiya!!! Me again... Oh ya, another interesting video.... BUT THIS TIME... ITS BOUT JAEJOONG!!!! WOOHOO~~~ HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Ok, nvm... Boring siah.... Anyway, this is the video:

Jaejoong is sooooooooooooooooooo cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! Esp when Changmin hits Yunho and he is upset, ♥ tat face of his... Haha!!!

P.S: Sry, I have to say this again...



You are the only reason for my precious smile ♥

Hi, everybody!!!*Not using Korean in this post cuz I am lazy* A video on one part of Hello Baby... Yes!!!! Its funny!!! Anyway, how is my long freaking post???? Hope its good.....







You are the only reason for my precious smile ♥

Thursday, May 20, 2010 ♥

Today had netball training, new coach coming... I dunno her name cuz maybe when she announce her name I wasn't there*I was @ the toilet*... Okay, so we did our warm up which is running around the skool for 10 minutes, quite easy... BUT I FELL!!!! Ya, I fell when I was running cuz I thought I had cross that step but I didn't, which is quite weird... Ok.... Then we did jog-sprint-jog and many others... Then we did some passes and Jinqi whacked me hard on the face with the ball, it hurts like hell... Esp my poor spectacles, it drop onto the hard ground*Luckily didn't break....* Ya, den we went on to many other things.... & while we are doing drills, Jinqi said tat a PARTICULAR group of celebrities is very ugly.... *U know hu I talking about rite?? TRY & TWL!!!* Ya, den we played poisonous ball and ended the training....

When we ended, all of us did the angelic thank you to our coach... Den we did our netball team victory dance... *Well, I didn't do cuz I dunno where they get it from?* Den our coach laugh like mad... We went to drink water and I realised I had no more water left, so I began calling out hu has water to spare... 

Finally, our kind Bernice gave me some water... But I dunno what happen, I spit all the water out, making beautiful patches on the ground... Bernice saw this and she came over and said, "My saliva this bad meh??" Haha.... Funny...

Ya.... Tats all....
And the last most important point...






You are the only reason for my precious smile ♥

Wednesday, May 19, 2010 ♥

안녕(An nyoung/Hello), 여러분(Yeoreobun/Everybody). Hi, its me, Kamate again...*No choice siah, this is my blog* I am here to bring you a VERY VERY VERY good news..... THIS FREAKING LONG STORY IS GOING TO END!!!!*Ppl shouted: Yay!!! We dun have to see her anymore!!! Kamate: Dun be like tat la...* Okay, this is the last part, and I am going on to something else after this...

2 Shawols and a Cassopeia were having a conversation when the instructors steps in.... There is a lot of fun and screaming which apparently is driving our chairperson insane..... 

The third news: The tiring and fun Netball training @ Crez

It was a fine day, the day when we resumed our training after the MYEs.... It was fun, seriously.... I dunno why I think so but I know ppl will find me mad*e.g: Tan Weiling and Tan Rongying*... Ya, so this is wad we have done... 

For warm up:
Running around the whole school for 10 minutes.....

Ppl's POV:
Mad, Insane, Crazy....
How can they run around the whole school for 10 minutes?!
Poor girls...

Yay!!! No nid to run the TORTUROUS jog, sprint, jog!!!!
JQ is weird, she wanna run 20 minutes instead of 10 minutes...
For training:

1) Steps

So hard to balance...
I'm gonna fall, I'm gonna fall...

2)Ball handling

Ball's going round....
HEY!!! JQ, dun make me pick up balls everytime can or not...


Legs breaking, Legs breaking...

4)Do passes and highest point using heavy ball*dunno wads tat call* and netball

It hurts....
JQ, throw properly la!!!

5)3 stations

Hey! This is fun....
FUN!!!! Muahahahahahaha!!!!

6)Coffee table etc*dunno wads tat call either*

Ouch.... Stomach aching....
I cannot hold on any longer...
Hello... Senior....
Faster say stop...
Beg you!!!

Actually its quite fun...
Looking forward to tmr's training!!!

YAY!!!! Its finally completed! I can finally start on other things!!! YES!!!!! Anyway, thx to those hu have been reading my long and crappy posts... Good luck in your results of the MYEs!!!

*Wait, I nid it more than u all do!!! Gimme back all the good luck, u ppl!!!* 

You are the only reason for my precious smile ♥

안녕(An nyoung/Hello), 여러분(Yeoreobun/Everybody)!!! Me, the fan of DBSK, Kamate is back again for the news report!!!! Let us have a recap before continuing with the second news.

The previous news report is about then PET Rocket program for all the Sec Ones of Crescent Girls School(CGS) that happened on 18th May 2010. All the Sec Ones had fun making the rockets and launching them all by themselves.... Although everyone got terribly wet, they had a lot of fun.... After launching the rocket, the Sec Ones went back to class, waiting for their instructors to start their DEBRIEF THEORY!!!

The second news: The conversation between a Cassiopeia and 2 Shawols

During the DEBRIEF THEORY, our instructor, Ms Carrie went through with us some of the concepts on Science*Really, I muz say she makes a good PRIMARY Science teacher*. She explained a lot of stuffs which I had forgotten*Sadly, yes, I dun remember any of it*, and then, under our 'protests'*Not really*, she quickly finished it and let us do our stuffs.... After that, I took out my TPC as I plan to watch Hello Baby SHINee version. But at this critical moment, Ms Carrie walked past and we started to chat about the TPC*Poor TPC, we ignored its existence*. Den suddenly, our DEAREST Ms Tan Wei Ling*Yes, gratz, you guessed it correctly* asked Ms Carrie whether she knows about KPOP and she said yes*After some dilemma about what is KPOP*. Den our EXCITED Ms Tan Rong Ying started firing questions @ her*Actually its juz one question that she repeated for many times*. AND AS EVERYONE CAN GUESSSSSSS, WHAT IS THE QUESTION TAT SHE ASKED....*DRUM ROLLS....* ITS...... DO MS CARRIE KNOWS SHINee!!!!!!!!!!!!! But sadly, she says she doesn't know...-_- Den its me, the DBSK fan's turn to ask her..... As its a bit long, I shall write it in a conversation style.....

~~~The Conversation~~~
HX= Hui Xin (Kamate, which is me)
C=Ms Carrie
HX: Ms Carrie, do you know hu is DBSK???
C: No, I dunno them.
HX: What about Dong Bang Shin Ki??
C: No.
HX: Tohoshinki?
C: No.
HX: *Disappointed* 东方神起??
C: Yes, Yes, Yes. I know them.
HX: YES!!!!!!
~~~End of conversation~~~
Den Rong Ying show her the SHINee key chain, asking Ms Carrie to pick her favourite one out of the five guyzzzzzzz. And Ms Carrie did.... THE CHOSEN ONE IS*DRUM ROLLS....* ONEW!!!!! Wei Ling was very happy but not.... errhem..... u know rite, our JONGHYUN fan, Ms Tan Rong Ying....

Den Ms Carrie saw the name tag with the word SHINee, below is the conversation....

C: Huh? How come you got that one?
WL: Buy one.
C: Huh! Can buy arh?
WL*Maybe its RY but I cannot rmb*: Ya, @ CC.
C: o.0, u should wear it as your name tag...

Den a guy came in and ask Ms Carrie to leave, we watched her leave as I turned on my TPC!!!! I was planning  to watch Hello Baby SHINee version but Ms Tan Wei Ling & Tan Rong Ying ask me play Ring Ding Dong cuz they wanna see the dance moves..... Den Ms Carrie comes back to get her water bottle, den we all showed her the MV and the SHAWOLS screamed like hell...... Den Rongying*Is it??* ask her hu is her favourite DBSK member, and Ms Carrie replies...*DRUM ROLLS...*THE ONE SHE LIKES IS..... CHOIKANG CHANGMIN/MAX CHANGMIN!!!!!! Yay!!! The cute prince!!! But I also kinda sad.... Cuz Ms Carrie never choose my favourite one.... Which is...*DRUM ROLLS...* YOUNGWOONG JAEJOONG/HERO JAEJOONG!!!!!! And the rest of it cuz I cannot remember & its not funny, we shall skip it.

To be continued...
P.S: How is it,ppl?? Part 3 will probably be done tmr, pls wait patiently!!!

You are the only reason for my precious smile ♥

Tuesday, May 18, 2010 ♥

안녕(An nyoung/Hello), 여러분(yeoreobun/Everybody). Its me, Kamate, fan of DBSK, back for the third season!!!!*Ppl scolded: Where got third season, siao zha bo* Okay, nvm. 

Today, Kamate is acting as a news reporter to bring you the latest news. The latest news are: Incident @ PET Rocket, The conversation between a Cassiopeia and 2 Shawols*以多欺少*, The tiring and fun Netball training @ Crez.*Tiring is for sure, but.............. fun?? Okay okay la*

The first news: Incident @ PET Rocket
The scorching sun was hung high above the ground, fluffy white clouds waltzed across the sky...*Ppl said: Shuddup la, go straight into the point* Okay, be patient. I am gonna start. Today is the BIG day, we are having one of our post exam activities!!!!!!! Okay la... As the title suggests, its the AMAZING PET Rocket!!! Okay, so today we learned how to make a rocket using simple materials*Actually not so simple la* and launched them into the air. All the Sec Ones return back to their class after the morning assembly to start their PET Rocket, waiting patiently*Okay la... Maybe not so*for their instructors*or whatever they are called* to come into the class. Then the instructor for our class came in, she is*DRUM ROLLS......* Ms Carrie!!! Den she teach us how to make rockets and, the stuffs and den releases us for recess... Finally, the time to launch OUR BEAUTIFUL Rockets has come, we went up one pair by one pair to release our rockets. For our group, we were the last. As my DEAREST Ms Tan Wei Ling doesn't wants to sacrifice herself for the sake of the group, me and Rong Ying has to go. I was the pumper*I think tats what its called* & Rong Ying is the launcher, we launched our rocket as how Ms Carrie teaches us. But suddenly, something unexpected happened!!! As I was a 바보(Babo/Stupid)person*Yah, TWL, I know u agree with it the most*, I placed my head near the hole in which the water in the rocket would be splashing out from, the water splashes out when released and in the end, me, the 바보 person, got wet all over..... Den after all Sec Ones had finished, we had another try.... Like previously, my DEAREST Ms Tan still dun wan to sacrifice despite seeing how pathetic I am, so me and Rong Ying has to go again. This time, the results are the same.... but.......... the person tat gets wet more seriously is.......*DRUM ROLLS...* OUR MOST NOBLE MEMBER, TAN RONG YING!!!!!!!!!!! Let me relate the process of this incident. I was about to launch the rocket when Rong Ying's face suddenly appear in front of the hole.... I wanted to stop, but I couldn't as I had already released it... As expected, the water splashed onto us and Rong Ying's hair was totally wet*me too, my uniform is very wet siah*. Den after that, we left the field. Rong Ying kept asking in the field whether her hair smells like F&N Grape, as no one wants to smell it, me, being the kind-hearted one, smell it for her. I told her tat her hair doesn't smells like F&N, it juz smells like normal wet hair, she heaved a sign of relieve... Den we went into class to wait for the instructor to begin her DEBRIEF THEORY...

To be continued....
P.S: Hi PPL hu is reading this post, this post is actually very long, but for ur convenient, I decided to divide it into three*I think* posts. So, you will have to wait patiently for the others to come out. Have fun reading it!! 즐길(Jeulgil/Enjoy)!!!! 안녕(Annyeong/Goodbye),

You are the only reason for my precious smile ♥

Saturday, May 15, 2010 ♥

Hi 모두(everybody), Kamate is back for the second series!!! *Nobody laughing?!* Okay, never mind. Yay!!!! The MYEs are finally over, no need to be so stress liao. Love Jaejoong's blonde hair!!!!!!!!!! *Rongying agrees with me too* Okay, I know you all are getting bored... No!!!! Dun leave yet!!! The main point is coming up, ok?

Yesterday I went out with Weiling, Rongying, Siokhiang and Candace. Ya, we went to Singapore post office with Candace to buy something, and Weiling was like, "WTH, WHY ARE WE COMING HERE?!" *Sry, bit exaggerating* Ya, then when we got out, we dunno whr to go... Candace suggested going somewhere *Sry, dunno whr* and everyone disagreed *except for me cuz i dunno where is that place* cuz they say its too far... Then, Weiling say go to Plaza Singapura *Dunno if it is twl, but i remember its her* but Rongying say she dun wan cuz her platoon mates also going there. But then, cuz we have no place to go, we still decided to go to Plaza Singapura. When we reach there *by walking cuz dun wan to take bus, and Weiling and Candace walks very fast siah*, we wandered around cuz we dunno whr to eat our lunch, so after a long debate, we decided to go to Macdonalds *YAY!!!!* Then we ordered what we want to eat *cuz i dun haf money, so Weiling pay for me, so thx wl* Then we finished eating and we went to CC(Comics Connection)*If I am not wrong*. AND OH MY GOD!!!! There is a lot of DBSK stuffs sold there *Okay, forgive me, I am a DBSK fan, remember?? Of course, there are SHINee stuffs too*, I was like so happy!! I look around and touch everything, I actually wanted to buy the nametags of Jaejoong, Changmin, Yunho and DBSK... But remember, I had no money..... So, I left the beloved cute nametags in the shop and go look at other stuffs. Candace keeps on hurrying us and finally, according to her wishes, we left the shop... BUT WHAT MAKES ME WANNA KILL IS THAT WHEN ME AND RONGYING AND WEILING LEAVE THE SHOP, CANDACE AND SIOKHIANG WENT IN!!!! Then, Weiling went in to find them, but she very long still haven't come out. So me and rongying went in and saw them looking at anime stuff. Then I ask weiling why she still inside, she say they were choosing a birthday present for SOMEONE. Ya, so after the long stay at CC, we went to other shops. Oh ya, when we leave one of the shops, there were ppl suddenly coming out of a door, and Rongying was like looking at them from head to toe, with a very funny expression tat makes me laugh like siao... Then I realised the others *except for CSH* was also laughing like mad, I felt weird so I ask CSH wad they laughing about. Then she pointed the armour that a knight wears, and then I started laughing also. Cuz there was a hole at the errhemm part of the costume, ya, so we laugh like mad. Then CSH explained why is there a hole *pretty gross, shall not talk bout it*. Ya then we went somewhere else and SUDDENLY, someone call us. RY turn and saw her friend, then we all was like ARGH!!!!!!!!!! Then we ran, but we ran out of energy becuz of our stupid bag, so we stop, so do her. Then both of them talk and I don't understand. * Cutting away all the parts* Then we went home cuz nth to do and RY was afraid tat she met them again.

Okay, tats all. Byes!!!
잘자요(Good Night)
Yours Sincerely,
DBSK fan, Kamate

PS: Sry for the long boring chapter

You are the only reason for my precious smile ♥

Tuesday, May 4, 2010 ♥

ARGH!!! I am so stress lately, plenty of homewrok given by teachers as Mid Year Exam is coming. Also, as it is the end of Semester 1, plenty of projects and work are due. I am seriously feeling very stress, there are still plenty of assesment books staring at me, waiting for me to finish them. Practice papers from top school, staring at me while I was sleeping. I am very very very stress, I hope that I could return to primary school, I could do whatever I want and there is no need to wake up VERY VERY early. I WANT TO SLEEP, CUZ I AM SERIOUSLY VERY TIRED NOW........

You are the only reason for my precious smile ♥

안녕 (An nyoung), everybody. Anyway, today was the retest for my NAPHA test. Okay, I past all the other four stations except for standing broad jump (which I dunno what happened cuz in primary school is I fail inclined pull up and pass standing broad jump). Okay, anyway, today Miss Tee is taking us for P.E cuz Miss Ong is not in school today (dun ask me why cuz I also dunno). I was scared stiff when I saw my friends did their retest for standing broad jump. My heart was pumping very hard as if I was having a heart attack and I had a feeling that my heart is going to jump out from my mouth anytime if I was not careful. FINALLY, after a long period of time, it was my turn. I swung my arms as I bend forward, waiting to create a world record(okay, its a bit off, not a world record larh, juz a personal record). I jump high and leap far, feeling the air rushing beside me( its a bit exaggerating, but it makes this post more fun to read, rite?)AND I DID IT!!! My record was 160cm, almost as long as me. Its the furthest that I had jump. I was so happy!!

So at here, I sincerely wanted to show my gratitude towards my netball senior, Laila, for making us jump every training session. Thanks, if not for you, I would never have been able to pass.

You are the only reason for my precious smile ♥

Monday, May 3, 2010 ♥

Haha, I am Kamate. A fan of DBSK, love their songs. Anyway, Kamate has a few VERY NICE songs by DBSK recommended for you all, MUZ go and listen ok??

To all DBSK fans out there in the whole wide world (also to those non-DBSK fans), here are a few songs that me, Kamate recommended for everybody.

2)Wrong Number
6)Summer Dream
8)Purple Line

(P.S: I am 80% sure that all DBSK fan have heard of these songs, so this post is actually for those ANTI-DBSK ppl out there. Hope that after listening to this songs, they will not hate them anymore:))

You are the only reason for my precious smile ♥

Okay, hi everybody. Today is the last day of my long weekend, that means that tomorrow, I will have to go back to school and face stress again. I'm tired, tired....

Never mind. Since its the last day. I am going to share with you what I did.

I woke up at 10.50am today, then I went to the toilet and wash up. Next, I ate the breakfast prepared by me, the PRO huixin (actually, its juz milo and bread with natella). Then, I laid on the bed for approximately 10 mins. I sitted up and on my TPC after that. I opened my browser and saw the last viewd page of mine. I clicked on DBSK's Balloons mv and listened to it. Then, I opened my Homework file and began tionging my work while chatting on MSN with Weiling and Jas. Then, after 1-2 hrs, I shut down my TPC cuz my mother wants me to go to IMM with her and I did. Then after a LONG LONG shopping trip of 1 hr, we went home. Then I on my TPC again and tiong my homework while listening to DBSK's Mirotic and Wrong Number. Then its dinner time, I ate dinner that consists of normal stuffs. The, I went back to my TPC and tiong my homework. Then I went to bathe, then I came back and drank another cup of milo while typing this post. Okay, tats wad I did today, if any of you is wondering wad am I doing now (hopefully no one cuz I dun think/expect my friend sto ask such a weird question), I AM TYPING THIS POST!!!(Quite obvious if u didn't notice)

Boring rite?
Tats my boring day.
But nevertheless, I must say....

(And of course DBSK & S.H.E)

You are the only reason for my precious smile ♥

Sunday, May 2, 2010 ♥

Ooops... I am so sorry... I forgot all bout the video cuz I was too excited over the Jaejoong thingy, he's so HOT!!! Okay, I think I left the subject, nvm.... Late is better than never, so here is the video. It does not belongs to me, but the uploader is very considerate, he/she subbed it (or at least found one tat is subbed) Here is the video enjoy!!!

This video is very funny.... It is unsuitable for ppl tat cannot control their laughter and they laughed untill their heads dropped off. I have already warned all of you before hand.... I am not going to bear any responsibilty if the above situation happen. SO please take care......

You are the only reason for my precious smile ♥

Hi!!! Everybody, I officially announced that I had changed my blogskin!!!! AND THE MOST IMPORTANT OF ALL, ITS JAEJOONG!!! Oh my god, he looks so freakin hot!!! Any way, I will have a new blog specially for dbsk, which will probably exist before next month.... AND LAST BUT NOT LEAST, I WOULD LIKE TO THANK MY DEAR FRIEND, WEILING FOR HELPING ME CHANGE THIS BLOGSKIN.... THANKS WEILING!!!!

You are the only reason for my precious smile ♥