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Welcome to my blog ♥
If you hate me or this blog for some reasons,
please kindly do me a favor and press
Alt + F4.

The one and only special girl ♥

or better known as Hui Xin or ♥Kamate♥
to most people~~~
although she is nothing near legendary...
An insane chocoholic famous for her clumsiness,
always falling down and getting injured...
As a chocoholic, her favorite type of chocolate is....
Her birthday is on the 22nd October 1997,
So please remember to buy her presents~~
Now seriously infected with the KPOP virus,
she hopes to recover soon....
A passionate Crescentian that is part
of the Crescent Netball family....

The most important things in her life ♥

No particular order~~~
My Family ♥
Ostaf Detinu ♥
-Nicole Umma ♥
-Zhi Rui ♥
-Jastina ♥
-Katharine ♥

My Dears ♥
-Wei Ling ♥
-Rong Ying ♥
-Siok Hiang ♥

SHINee ♥
Dong Bang Shin Ki ♥
So Nyuh Shi Dae ♥
Dae Guk Nam Ah ♥
S.H.E ♥

Her wishes ♥

-SHINee & JYJ album ♥
-Their autograph ♥
-New headphone ♥
-Grow Taller ♥
-Get into the school team ♥
-More chocolates to eat ♥

Music ♥

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

Her past ♥

March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
September 2010
October 2010


Sze Fann
Oastaf Detinu
6F 09
Crescentians ♥
Rong Ying
Wei Ling
Wei Ling (Music Blog)
Wei Ling (KPOP Blog)
Li Enn

Leave your footsteps here ♥


Please do not rip the credits =)
Designer- X Pictures- X
Brushes- XXX
Hosts- XX
Fonts- X

Friday, April 30, 2010 ♥

Oh my god!!! Watching the mv of Balloons by DBSK, they are so cuteeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!! Especially Max and Hero, they are so cool..... DBSK IS SO COOL!!! BETTER THAN ANY KPOP GROUP!!!!! LOL..... I am juz bored... BUT AGAIN DBSK IS COOL!!! Anyway, I just look at a video, it is about Super Junior and DBSK..... I will upload it later.... Hope u all like it.....

You are the only reason for my precious smile ♥

Saturday, April 17, 2010 ♥

Okay, there isn't much tags for my blog.... I guess its becuz you all may not know how to use the tagboard rite??(sure hope so) So I shall teach you all now..... You can see there's a 'SHOUT' at the bottom of the tagboard rite?? Click on it and you can enter all the things there..... You might not be able to see clearly, but pls try and tag..... PLEASE!!!!!

You are the only reason for my precious smile ♥

Erm.... Hi everybody. A while since I blog..... Anyway, dunno wad got into me, went to listen to all the songs of Hey Girl's album.... Think I am too free.... Anyway, Ya Tou is so cute!!!!! (Okay, she has a UNIQUE voice too, which is wad my DEAR DEAR friend, rong ying named it as BABY VOICE!!!!) Anyway, tats not the main point.... Anyway, just went to watch then video clip which Mao Di and Ya Tou sang together. MY GOD!!!!! I cannot even hear her voice..... Awwww..... So sad..... Anyway, I am having a miserable holiday, not becuz of homework.... Its becuz my muscles are hurting like siao..... Dunno wad happened..... Muz be I sitted down too long after training this thursday...... My god, I cannot even walk, okay i can.... BUT I LOOK LIKE A CRAB!!!!! It hurts.... It hurts..... OH MY GOD!!!!!!! Mid year is coming.... and I am failing..... GOD!!!!! SAVE ME!!!!!!

You are the only reason for my precious smile ♥

Wednesday, April 14, 2010 ♥

Yay!!!!!! Today I went to peacehaven( an old folks home)..... I go there by bus provided by the school(Obvious).... On the bus I sat with rongying, she was like telling me the things that happen to her... Actually it was not suppose to be funny, but I still laughed, cuz of her funny funny tone.... Then we finally reach there after a LONG LONG LONG ride, I was like Oh my god, finally..... Then we went through the entrance, the entrance was so funny, everytime u go near it will have a beep sound.... Not like normal doors, beep beep beep... Ha Ha Ha!!!!!! Anyway, we were told to assemble at the entrance and sit in our groups... Then we see all the other groups walk away and proceed to their venue... A lady came and asked if she could have someone to help her cut magazines... And of course its MY group..... Cuz we didn't bring anything for the elderly to do..... Actually cannot say didn't bring la, rongying brought one whole skool bag there, and she was complaining that she brought it for nth, but becuz the other group had MUCH MORE interesting things for the old folks to do and we don't want to bored them with making bookmarks, so WE cut the magazines.... But actually its quite cool, juz sit there... Anyway, when we are walking through the rooms to get to the place, there were plenty of old folks sitting there.... AND MY DEAR DEAR group mates pushed me forward so in the end I was standing at the FRONT!!!! Then we juz sit there and cut cut cut cut cut cut cut cut cut cut magazines.... It was like not so easy at all, and when we are cutting, rongying was saying tat the environment very good and I said that is it she want to live there when she was old..... Then she glare at me like I killed my parents, MUAHAHAHAHA........ Then finally its 4.30pm and we are supposed to leave.. The lady gave us bookmarks and said that it was done by the elderly.... Then we ended up admiring the works done by them..... When we are leaving, rongying and weiling and me were like discussing about the works, then me and rongying both agreed on one thing.... The old folk's art work is much more BETTER than us..... Then we took the bus back to skool..... On the bus we did some FUN things(maybe.....) and then we reach skool and everybody went home....... Alright, tats all, I know you all find me very nagging.... But nvm, isn't tat wad blog posts is about????

You are the only reason for my precious smile ♥

My god.....
I am sick a few days ago with a high fever of 41 degrees....
Its so tiring and felt like dying during those days....
And I skip skool for like four days consecutively....
It feels so weird when I went back to skool on the following monday......
Anyway, right on the day I went back, got netball training....
I was feeling so sick that I got hit by the ball on the head after the training almost end....
Then we went to the Millennium room to have our study session....
I finished my Comm Arts work very fast then I went onto facebook and listen to music (actually its Xin Yi)
Then, time past very soon, its time to go home....
I kept all my things and left the room with Li Enn.
Dunno why she keep on asking me to kill her....
Then Laila caught up with us and handed me my earpiece tat I left in the classroom....
I was like thank goodness, SHE SAVED ME!!!!!!
Cuz I bet I will be deep fried by my mother if I lost that...
And my journey to skool in the future will be very VERY boring....
Then I went outside the girls toilet to wait for Jin Qi..
And as usual, she took ages....
Then Bernice came, she say she need to go toilet so I help her look after her things...
Then Jin Qi came out and we help Bernice look after her belongings....
Then another senior came, and we help her look after too...
Then Bernice came out and said she will look after tat senior's things.....
Thats the end....
(I know too much 'then' pls pardon me)

You are the only reason for my precious smile ♥

My god.......
Just got back my maths test....
Poor result, but.....
And somemore, I reached my target score.....
Hu am I, I am Hui Xin!!!!!!

You are the only reason for my precious smile ♥

Saturday, April 3, 2010 ♥

So bored!! Nothing to do after doing homework.... So I just switch on TPC and play game. I just finished watching 模范棒棒堂 cuz nothing else to watch.... Quite nice, Lollipop, Choco7 and the last group(dunno wad's tat call), ya, watching them imitating Show Luo. Fan Wei Qi, like her hair style, so cool. I know this is a boring post, cuz I have nothing to do. Tats all, GOODBYE!!!!!

You are the only reason for my precious smile ♥

Friday, April 2, 2010 ♥

Today is the day of excitement, its the *drum roll* SPORTS CARNIVAL!!!! Its not held in my school, but somewhere very far from my house. I got up so early today, tiring. I wore my Pankhurst house tee and all did all the stuffs tat humans need to do in the morning. I dun even know where is TAT PLACE, luckily, I met some GEEONES and I followed them, which lead me to tat place eventually. When I reach there, I saw Shereen (Sorry if I spelt ur name wrong) sitting there alone, so I went to sit next to her. Then our house leaders gave out a thingy (dunno wad's tat call) and painted our faces with paint. I was lucky cuz the paint came off by itself but not for the others. Anyway, the carnival started after I arrived for like approximately, erm..... like 15 mins?? I guess its somewhere there. Then all houses started to compete against one another, I cheered madly for Pankhurst until I got a sore throat now. Well, its kinda tiring cuz I am not sitting in the shade and the sun was shining at me, and I kinda shout too much (and drank too much water) until no more water is left. Luckily, the house leaders gave out a bottle of mineral water to everyone (Yay!!!!). Then finally the results were released, Pankhurst won quite a few matches (I think) but we did not get the champion. The champion house was FRY, the one that Rong ying was in. Ya, and Pankhurst came in fourth. It wasn't bad for me, but I think its kinda sad. Then we did the school cheer which I was not yet familiar with. Then we were dismissed, and I looked around the place for the XXX mrt station. Fortunately, Samantha, Yuting and Shahida was there with me. If not, I guess I would never reach home. Anyway, gotta go now. So sleepy. Today was fun and the most important point..... ITS A HOLIDAY!!!!


P.S I wrote this on 1st April 2010.

You are the only reason for my precious smile ♥